> Once a famous photographer, who died suddenly, left behind 
> thousands of
> photographs showing a white cup.
> The journalists started to wonder why. They began 
> speculations abuot weather
> the  photographer had gone mad or perhaps was looking for 
> some mystery - a
> message form the universe - like the alchemists did*.
> No one seemed to understand that the white cup may very well 
> have been the
> photographers way of testing lenses, developers, lighting etc. ;)
> Not even the journalist saw the photographs as - photographs. 
> They looked at
> the cup!
> Do any of you guys remember who this photographer was?

Edward Steichen.

Subject matter is usually the most important thing for everybody,
whether it's landscape, photojournalism or family photos. If people
are not interested in the subject matter they won't look at the
photos. This is one reason why abstract photographs rarely work, and
one reason why so much art photography, with its concentration on the
banal, is so boring.


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