But so few people make a good meatloaf these days anyway...

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

>Gawd yes!  (remembering slide shows of certain friends' vacations)  There
>was ~always~ one or the other standing rigidly in front of some tourist
>attraction or scene.  And the narrative, with every slide,  would be "This
>is Cathy standing in front of ..."  "Here's Ron in front of ..." as if we,
>the captive viewers, didn't know who these people were <sigh>
>Now we get a DVD movie that's more of the same, only with music in the
>background and repetitious dissolves and fades.  Just a more high-tech
>version of the slide show. With the slide shows, we'd have to visit their
>house and usually get dinner beforehand.  Now we just get a disk in the
>mail. Technology marches on - creativity remains stagnant - dinner
>>[Original Message]
>>From: William Robb
>>For most people, photographs are memory joggers. They don't really want to
>>see the person or the place depicted, they want to remember the fun that
>>had at that place, with that person. The photograph is the tool used to
>>remind them.
>>This is why slide shows of other people's vacations are so very hard to
>>through, and why people rarely show much interest in snapshots of people 
>>they don't know, or places they haven't been.

When you're worried or in doubt, 
        Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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