Bob Shell wrote:
> On Aug 12, 2006, at 7:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Utter nonsense. Blaming radical behavior on poverty and bad  
>>conditions is the old liberal excuse for everyone who can't behave.  
>>It no longer holds water. Never has. Is that why Hitler wanted to  
>>kill the jews? Radical Islam has a fundamental problem with  
>>everyone else in the world. That makes them a problem. It has  
>>nothing to do with conditions. We tried the liberal cure in many  
>>places: Give them a lot of money and better living conditions and  
>>everything will be okay. Never has worked. Won't work now.
> I agree.
> Remember back in Teddy Roosevelt's day when the Barbary Pirates were  
> terrorizing shipping and making life hell for many?  T.R.'s  
> solution?  Eradicate the SOBs.  Worked then, would work again today.   
> The simple fact is that radical Islam is incompatible with a modern  
> world, and one or the other has to go.
> Bob


That wasn't Teddy Rossevelt. He wouldn't be president for another 100 
years after the Algiers War. It was Thomas Jefferson who proscecuted 
that war, after John Adams rolled over and paid tribute a few years earlier.

But the Barbary Pirates were the genesis of the US Navy. The Humphries 
Frigates were laid down in response to the Barbary Pirates under Adams, 
and completed several years later when that problem flared up again 
during teh Jefferson Administration. It's also where the US Marine Corps 
Hymn got the line 'The Shores of Tripoli'. And it's unsurprising that 
Tripoli was connected to the ongoing issue of Islamic Terrorism this 
time as well (at least until the UK and US scared Quadaffi into 
temproary submission).

Under Roosevelt, US forces would fight the Moros in the Phillipines, 
which led to the development of the M1911 Pistol (Which was ordered 
because the .38 round then in common use was not powerful enough to stop 
a charging Moro). Ironically, US Special Forces is moving back to the 
same .45 ACP round as the 9mm (Ballistically similar to the old .38 
Army) has proven to be insufficiently powerful enough. And ovcer the 
last 15 years, the Moros have returned, as allies of Jamaal-al-Islayyah 
and Al Qaeda.


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