Amita Guha wrote:
> I just got my new rangefinder, and I want
> to start using it to shoot black and white
> print film. Is there a particular brand/type that
> is better than others? 

There is no one brand or emulsion that is "better" than another.  They
all have different characteristics and respond differently to various
developers, developing techniques, and exposure, thus, each emulsion
can provide a variety results.  Further, no two people using the same
emulsion, developer, and development techniques will obtain the same
results.  Equipment variations and even the quality of the water used
all affect the final outcome.

A good film to get started with is Kodak's Tri-X.  It's a very
forgiving film, and many suggest it as the film to start B&W with. 
However, there are plenty of other options out there.  Find one that
has a speed that's workable for you, pick one of the recommended
developers, and go at it.  There are a few of us here whoa re pretty
well versed in processing B&W film, so feel free to ask as many
questions as you'd like once you get started.  If you need advice
about equipment, just ask.  We all have developed our own preferences
and techniques - you will, too.

Shel Belinkoff
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