On 8/31/06 9:23 AM, "Digital Image Studio", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> May be it is a matter of removing those materials and upgrade the firmware?
> I vote this post for prediction of the month, nice going Ken ;-)

Actually, the remark was with a bit of tongue-in-cheek which did not come
out so good.
As I said before, people who pried the plugs out did not find true
And as somebody pointed out, K100D is essentially an entry model, and buyers
cannot get all juicy stuff for the money they paid.
But the thing is there.  As in any modern electronics equipment, most of the
stuff is already there, and it's not like adding or removing anything.  It
is a matter of disabling or activating something already there.

So my real vote is no USM capability for the K100D :-).
Many people might wish this be wrong and I have absolutely no foundation in
predicting anything on this.



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