Take a class in the current v of PS - the teacher is an idiot.  The diff
tween 6 and CS or CS2 is SUBSTANTIAL!  why learn something that's not going
to be very valuable or useful.

Welcome back.


> [Original Message]
> To: <pdml@pdml.net>
> Date: 9/19/2006 10:37:39 AM
> Subject: OT: I'm back, Everyone Happy?, PS Class Questions
> I'm back from trip. Had fun, will share some photos later.
> Is everyone happy with the K10D? 
> Looks pretty good to me, and I didn't even know it was going to have two
> sensitivity settings -- which I like.
> Okay, I started a Photoshop class last night. Taught by our local civic
> Arrived back in time for the class just as I returned from trip. Not what
> hoped for since they are using Elements 2 and PS 6. However, I already
> two new things (new to me) so I will stick with it. I will learn
> despite the older software.
> But when cameras were discussed the first night the teacher only
> Canon, Nikon, and Olympus -- basically saying they are the only serious 
> players. I was not Pentaxian enough to debate him, or not Pentaxian again
enough to 
> debate him. :-)
> Thinking about taking in a specification sheet for the K10D before the
> is over, and maybe sales numbers for the DLs and DSs.
> Isn't Pentax outselling Olympus? Or is it?
> Anyone have any other suggestions of what to take in to get this guy
> informed?
> He didn't know about Elements 5 with curves, so I told him about that. 
> Obviously he's a bit behind, but since he teaches classes to a fair
number of people 
> over the course of a year maybe he should be upgraded.
> Marnie aka Doe ;-)
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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