
RE rural areas ability to clean the environment, you are only very partially
correct. The stuff that stays close to the ground will be less of an impact
due to lower concentrations but once in the atmosphere it is in the only
atmosphere we have. Oviously closer to the source the more concentrated the
toxic but pcbs for example have been taken from samples in the high arctic
where there was no local source. Most likely they came north from the
"centre of the universe" :)

One of the things I dislike about my new job is the distance I need to
travel everyday (100 km round trip) and I live in the closest real town to
work. Need to get into a car pool but so far my hours have not been as
regular as co-workers. Of course there is also the fact that we do use toxic
material at work hence the need to keep a gas mask handy. They are a bitch
to photograph through.

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