Avid was available only for Macs for many years. The PC version is  
more recent.
On Sep 30, 2006, at 10:02 PM, Ivan Shukster wrote:

> My friend and co-worker finally convinced the powers to be that he  
> needed a
> Mac to run AVID as that would be better than the Windows XP/ 
> Premiere Pro set
> up he had.
> After the hassle of getting permission and then the first person  
> refused to
> buy it so he needed another department head to pay for it on  
> Thursday he got
> AVID and the Mac. And AVID will not work on the mac. Apparently it  
> will be
> another month until the bugs are worked out and it will work on the  
> mac. In
> the meantime he installed it on the XP computer. I laughed and  
> laughed cause
> he is always telling me how easy Macs are to install software and  
> hardware
> and now the reason for buying it does not work. Of course once I  
> realized
> that it just means it is that much longer that I have to wait to  
> get the XP
> and have to keep using the computer I am using I stopped laughing.  
> Using a
> 2000 machine with about a 1/2 bit harddrive or so it seems cause  
> there is
> nothing on the computer and no place to put any files but at least  
> I am
> seldom in the office using it.
> I sent him the link to the free Avid program as maybe that will  
> work in the
> meantime and also downloaded it at home. Thanks for the link as  
> will give it
> a spin here at home as probably be using it at work sometimes as well.
> Am not a Mac user for three reasons a)they were way too expensive  
> when we
> got our first computer and b) several programs I need to use Idrisi  
> and
> ArcGIS are Windows only and c) whenever I do use a Mac I can never  
> figure
> out how to turn them off.  I will defend Windows over Macs to  
> people that I
> know and also know it will bug them. That includes my friend and  
> only cause
> he is always bragging them up.  Plus it is my understanding that  
> buying
> Windows will keep the Gates family from living a life of poverty.  
> In other
> words I use a Windows machine as it is just a computer and so what :)
> The college here teaches Final Cut to the Visual Comunications  
> Program , the
> cable company used to use Premiere when my friend worked there and  
> the local
> production house uses Premiere. Think the local TV station uses  
> whatever
> program can give them the most ugly transitions to cover up the  
> lack of
> writing on local commericals :)
> -- 
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