I think you're using the wrong word, "shouldn't" is the word you want, 
not "can't".

J. C. O'Connell wrote:

>CANON provided something new and improved in their EOS
>Mount that the FD could never do, PENTAX hasn't.  You are arguing on
>Ends of the stick and you cant do that. On one hand
>Youre saying abandoning Pentax is better than Canon
>Because they didn't make their new A/F/FA mounts
>Incompatible with K/M but on the other hand youre
>Saying its OK to abandon K/M now with the DSLRs
>For no reason.
>-----Original Message-----
>William Robb
>Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:48 AM
>To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>Subject: Re: The JCO survey
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "J. C. O'Connell"
>Subject: RE: The JCO survey
>>Do you think that intentionally diabling lenses by
>>Removing a $5 part is not worse that intentioning
>>Disabling lenses by going to a completely new and much
>>Improved camera and lens mounting system? I don't.
>Completely abandoning an entire family of lenses for no valid technical 
>reason is worse, yes.
>Canon could have made the EOS system adaptable to the EF mount, in much 
>the same way that Pentax made the M42 mount adaptable to the K mount.
>Or, they could have continued making a couple of decent FD mount cameras
>to continue supporting the 10s of millions of legacy lenses they had 
>The demand for them was certainly out there at the time.
>I'm not saying the FD mount didn't need to be superceded, I am saying 
>that Canon screwed their customer base by completely abandoning it in 
>the process.
>As you said yourself:
>"You fail to understand the signifigance that
>>LENSES not bodies last forever practically and long term
>>Support of the lenses is of utmost importance. "
>How has Canon given FD lens owners from they early long term support?
>William Robb

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