What bag are you using?  With the Domke 803 I only run into height problems
when using longer lenses, especially with hoods on them..  But, if as you
say, the 77mm is the longest you use, with a bag such as the Domke I can't
think of any combination that would be too long.  Your point about
"juggling" has, for me at least, not been an issue, but I can see how under
certain circumstance, it might be.

When experimenting with glues and designs, I found that sanding the ends of
the caps helped produce a stronger join.  I use one of those glues that
come in two attached tubes that get mixed just before application.  I also
use a Handi-Clamp to solidly hold the two caps together while the glue is
drying.  I got my clamp at a local Ace Hardware store, but an almost
identical one (save for color, it seems) can be had through Amazon.


I mention all this, not just for you, but for others reading the thread who
may find the information useful.


> [Original Message]
> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

> While the same as your back to back caps, I have a different intent  
> in mind. I won't store lenses back to back on a siamesed cap ... that  
> makes the total package too long for my bag/slot design and means  
> hunting for the right lens as part of a lens pair, can mean even more  
> bits to juggle. I tried it with my Leica gear some years ago but  
> didn't like it very much.
> The purpose for the back to back rear caps is to enable changing the  
> lens more quickly and reducing the amount of bits juggling you have  
> to do in the operation of "pull out a lens - pull the rear cap - put  
> a cap on the lens you just took off the camera". With back to back  
> rear caps, you twist a lens onto the one you just pulled from the  
> bag, then hold the cap and twist the other right off, barely moving  
> your hands. The lens that goes in the bag has a cap on the rear in  
> the end, with a siamesed rear cap opening unused.
> Because I will not depend on the caps to stick together with the  
> weight of two lenses bearing on the cement joint, almost any cement  
> will do (epoxy, rubber cement, cyanoacrilate ...). Their join could  
> always be reinforced with a glued in reinforcing ring too.

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