Don't forget that there is also the Mamiya ZD, which can use all Mamiya 645 
glass (although the non-AF lenses are stop-down only). It's a bit pricey at 12 
grand or so. Personally, I'd rather a 645DII with a good back, but that's way 
out of my price range at the moment.


Kevin Waterson wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>It will have a 24 megapixel sensor, it will cost $4000, and it will
>>appeal to a wide range of pros and serious amateurs. That's my
> I tend to agree. Any wedding photographer or indeed studio
> photographer would be salivating over this. The only other contender
> is the FujiBlad that is now up to 39 megapixels and costs about the
> same as a small island.
> One of the greatest assets a Pentax 645D has over competitors is the
> large range of good, cheap glass out there. Pentax has been no slouch
> in the glass area and this is going to keep the cost of upgrading from
> 35mm down considerably, especially for those who have not sold off
> their old 'useless' MF film gear in favour of the 'PRO' 35mm Canon
> offerings. It would be rather remiss of them to not offer some
> addition lenses at the same time of the release.
> Some will poo poo the idea of not having a digital back (niether does
> the Hasselblad H3D) but with the price of a blad and a phase1 back,
> you could purchase a new pentax 645D every year for the next 5 years
> and still have change. I think that this release will open up the
> market for MF digital with Mamiya and Hasselblad needing to rethink
> their pricing structure.
> This would take some of the market from the high end canon camp, even
> with Canon rumoured to be preparing a 25 megapixel 35mm offering. But
> again, MF is always going to better 35mm and why would you buy a Canon
> when then a larger range of glass is available at a much reduced cost?
> Even new Pentax 645 lenses are not much more than Canon 35mm.
> I have no doubt that pro photographers are really awaiting a new 35mm
> to replace thier existing kit, and lets face it, Pentax have more
> digital experience than any of the others.
> If the price paul quotes is correct, give or take a grand, it is going
> to be snapped up by photographers who will soon be ridiculing their
> competitors who are still using 35mm kit, because we know real pro's
> use MF. For the first time there will be a real market for MF digital.
> Greater dynamic range, higher megapixels, a better crop, and less
> noise? All the things the MF users sacrificed to use a 35mm Canon can
> be thiers again. Why would they not migrate? They need to purchase a
> new Canon 35mm, or a new Pentax MF? Which way would YOU go?
> Kind regards
> Kevin

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