That's certainly the case with most buyers of base-model DSLR's, just like it 
was for base model SLR's back in the days of film. I doubt its 90%, but 70% is 
probably close.

Most people are quite willing to pay for capabilities they'll never use or 
need, just so they can flaunt it. See most SUV and sportscar buyers.


J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> Do you really think that 90% of DSLR buyers
> will never buy another lens? That's crazy!
> One of the main reasons for using SLRS/DSLRS
> is to be able to change lenses as needed.
> In fact the digital point and shoots are now
> getting so good, some going to bigger sensors,
> that it wouldnt make sense to even go with a
> DSLR for those 90% people...
> jco
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Cory Papenfuss
> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 9:57 AM
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: Luminous Landscape: Reichmann tries out a K10D
>>>>ROTFL  Great slip :-))
>>>     Still looking for the slip, but it sure was a buggered up
> sentence.  
>>>Made sense in my mind's ear when I composted it, I'm sure... :)
>       Oops... read right over that.
>>Well it just stands to reason that Cannikon users are bound to be a 
>>little sizzled between the ears if they disregard Pentax as a serious 
>       Yeah... I give Canon 6 months before they introduce in-body 
> anti-shake.  I think they'll have to to compete.  Given that probably
> 90% 
> of the DSLR buyers never buy another lens other than the kit lens, it's
> a 
> great selling point.  I think it'll be interesting to see how they 
> back-pedal on justifying it over the much-touted in-lens version. 
> Probably cripple it somehow.... like they did with AF-indication on MF 
> lenses.
> -Cory

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