A scroll of mail from Collin Brendemuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri,
14 Sep 2001 07:19:44 -0500
Read it? y
>To become a Muslim one needs simply to say:  "There is
>one God, Allah, and Mohammed is His prophet."

Lah Allah Il Allah, if my arabic is remembered well.
"There is no god but God"

>That's the reason for getting rid of Jews and Christians.  To
>Islam we are false inheritors of the promise of Paradise and
>infidels to be dealt with.

According to most Muslims I've met, Christians and Jews are People Of
The Book (i.e. the Old Testaments plus some texts about Jesus as a
prophet), and worthy of respect.

>At this point, I've unfortunately found no orthodox Muslim
>who does not want to destroy both.  That's an essential part
>of the belief system.  Book 4 of the Q'ran calls us "scum".

Can you provide a quote for that?  I have a really hard time believing

>Right now the Taliban has a group of Christians in jail,
>scheduled for beheading, because they practice their Christianity.

But they're quite an extreme branch of Islam.  Kind of like judging
Christians by Jerry Fallwell, or Americans by the Ku Klux Klan.

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