On Dec 29, 2006, at 7:49 AM, Gonz wrote:

>>> Some of the most pompous, dumbest, and most ill informed people I  
>>> know
>>> have a college education, some of them with advanced degrees.  On  
>>> the
>>> flip side, some of the warmest, smartest people I know do not.
>> So go buy a camera or lens designed by your warm, smart people
>> without an education.
> You would be surprised at how much "stuff" you use was dreamt up by
> those very people, so go live without it.

Your logic is flawed. Being able to dream up interesting things is  
one thing. Being able to engineer and manufacture them is quite  
another. I dreamt up the equivalent of today's video iPod when I was  
13 years old, watching a movie named "Robinson Crusoe On Mars". I  
drew sketches of a device that would play music, show videos, play  
broadcast radio, record voice and video, and would fit in my pocket.  
Tell me that someone without the deep knowledge of an engineering  
background could design and manufacture that kind of device ... and  
sell it profitably for a couple hundred dollars. I'll laugh in your  

The men who invented the personal computer as we know it today did  
not have a degree at the time. They were self-educated by working in  
the industry, studying, and driven by their curiosity and  
motivations, relied upon the advice of those more educated than they  
when they ran into problems. At least one of them returned to  
schooling after becoming very successful financially because he  
recognized the value of the effort. I worked with them both and know  
them personally. They're very smart people, were smart both before  
and after education. One of them is a pain in the ass, the other a  
really great guy: these qualities are totally independent of both  
their intelligence and their education, which are likewise  
independent of each other as well.


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