
>> Please apply the same argument to you ;-). You like other lenses and
>> you obtain truly excellent pictures with them. That I would call
>> diversity and that's of course a great thing. Imagine one had to
>> choose only from one option for every photographing situation. That
>> would be rather poor world, right?
> Boris, by eschewing DA Digital lenses, you are limiting yourself to only one 
> option.

It very well may be the case.

> What I discovered was that there just wasn't that many good wide angle 
> options available to me if I stayed with full frame.

I agree with you. However I find FAJ 18-35 to be completely satisfying 
my wide angle needs for now. Whatever happens in the future is unknown 
to me yet but it will surely take place ;-).

> Nothing wider than 15mm, and the A15 is a horse of a lens, nothing with AF 
> wider than 20mm unless one wants the fisheye zoom, and from what I have read 
> on list, the autofocus 20/2.8 is not as good as it could be on digital.

I do have the fish eye zoom (F17-28), though after I got FAJ 18-35 I use 
the fish eye lens very rarely.

> I'm not buying into the conspiracy theory that Pentax will drop the small 
> format sensor size as soon as they can in order to force lens sales, though 
> I admit to the possibility that this might happen.

I tend to buy into any conspiracy theories. I simply think that 
eventually the race for more pixels and laws of physics will force DA 
sized sensors to grow to FA size. (Please see my reply to Godfrey in 
order to see why I am using DA and FA notation.)

> If it does, I will have still gotten good use out of my DA lenses, and I 
> anticipate they would still be useable on a larger sensor camera in much the 
> same way Nikon has integrated small coverage lenses into their system.

Yes of course. But I am using my FA lenses and both having fun and 
getting rather good (at least for me) results. Why would I want to "fix" 
it in any way?

> Has anyne else noticed that the DA lens mount still has a slot for the 
> aperture simulator lever?

Not me. I don't have any DA lenses to look it up right now ;-).


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