----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christian" Subject: Re: PESO - American Fence

> From what I read, health care might be free up North, but "better" is
> debatable. Why do we always hear about so many people coming here for
> diagnosis?  As for guns...  yeah, ok, no guns in Canada?  With what do
> you guys shoot all the bears, moose, elk, caribou, deer, etc, etc.?  (I
> believe the stat is more guns in Canada per capita than in the US)

Our health care system is pretty mucked up at the moment, with no end in 
sight. The feds are commited to universal health care, with no allowance 
made for private care. Overall, we are probably better off, my impression is 
that if you don't have health insurance you are petty much screwed if 
something goes wrong with you, but your high end care is way better than 
ours, providing you can afford it or have a good plan.
We may have more long guns per capita as we still have a large northern 
population that relies on subsistence hunting. You have WAY more hand guns 
per capita though. Since those are the ones that tend to be used in gun 
crimes, I'm not unhappy about this.

William Robb 

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