Thats where it gets murky.  Because of the size of the skeletons, they 
were considerably larger than modern humans, but still within the range 
of modern man.  The teeth are purported to have been very large also. 
The cranial capacity does indicate Homo Sapiens.

> They were also fully "modern humans", who we know are adaptable, and in 
> many ways as hard to kill as a cockroach.
> Gonz wrote:
>>Well, here's the archeological evidence that led the author to that 
>>  * they had no agricultural technology, i.e. they were hunter gatherers, 
>>this came from their fossilized remains + the remains of their prey
>>  * they were huge, large skulls and bones
>>  * their weapons were huge, designed to take down large game
>>  * they hardly lived past the age of 20, from the bone record, the 
>>author guesses this is because of the riskiness of taking down such 
>>dangerous prey
>>  * they lived right before the end of the ice age
>>  * their prey moved north as it got warmer
>>  * their prey went extinct, probably due to the global warming, which 
>>caused their food source to go away
>>  * the nearest arrival of the next wave of immigrants (mongoloid) came 
>>much much later
>>  * some evidence of cannibalism is present, which may or may not 
>>indicate desperate situation, or it could just indicate some type of 
>>ritual killing
>>  * their short life span created a small birth rate
>>So, it might not be so far fetched.  We will never know for sure of course.
>>>Oh, I agree that there were precursors to the current Native Americans, 
>>>there's a fare amount of evidence, of them, but global warming killing 
>>>them off, really.  That's what's silly.
>>>Gonz wrote:
>>>>What's silly about it.  Its not talking about the native americans that 
>>>>were here when the Europeans arrived.  Its talking about their 
>>>>predecessors.  How do you explain their archeological remains?
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>That's just silly...
>>>>>Gonz wrote:
>>>>>>A book I'm reading right now indicates that the evidence points to these 
>>>>>>first settlers to have been done in by.....drum roll please.... "Global 
>>>>>>Warming".  Yup, the melting of the last Ice Age drove all the 
>>>>>>elephant-like creatures and huge jumbo bison further north and 
>>>>>>eventually to extinction.  The native humans could not adapt, and they 
>>>>>>died off.  Apparently they had no mongoloid features, so they were not 
>>>>>>the same race of people as the later settlers.
>>>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>>>I think that describes many "Native American's" quite well  There is 
>>>>>>>some evidence that those who emigrated from Asia during the last ice age 
>>>>>>>weren't the first, but it doesn't fit the stereotype so this evidence is 
>>>>>>>sometimes suppressed.  The current natives may have actually displaced 
>>>>>>>earlier residents of this continent, thus depriving them of ultimate 
>>>>>>>victim hood. Personally I  find victim hood to be  a crock, you live 
>>>>>>>with the world you're given, but some people make it their carriers.
>>>>>>>Brendan MacRae wrote:
>>>>>>>>Well, yes, good point.
>>>>>>>>But I was referring to the point of view of Nativists
>>>>>>>>who claim to be "true Americans," vis-a-vis their
>>>>>>>>fellow immigrants. The idea that it's "those others"
>>>>>>>>that endager "us" rather than the point of view of
>>>>>>>>true Native Americans (to whom all whites were a
>>>>>>>>threat) which is what you describe. Nativism is,
>>>>>>>>paridoxically, a construct that doesn't apply to them
>>>>>>>>since it describes only those who tout a dubious claim
>>>>>>>>of originality. 
>>>>>>>>--- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>I think it has been.  Once the Europeans came here,
>>>>>>>>>Eden became endangered
>>>>>>>>>>[Original Message]
>>>>>>>>>>From: Brendan MacRae 
>>>>>>>>>>The idea that America is an "endangered
>>>>>>>>>>Eden." It isn't, of course. It never has been. 
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