The way I set mine up is:

   P: EV comp front, P-shift rear
   Tv: EV comp front, Shutter rear
   Av: EV comp front, Aperture rear

Since these are my most used auto exposure modes, I want them all to  
operate the same way. The idea is direct access to EV comp on the  
front, the priority control on the rear. I have not yet gotten  
comfortable with hyper program.

   Sv: P-shift front, ISO rear
   TAv: Shutter front, aperture rear

EV comp in both of these is button plus front wheel.

In all cases I now can use OK button plus front wheel for ISO  
changes. in Av, Tv and P modes, I'm finding I use Auto ISO set to the  
range 100-400 most of the time ... Ok button plus Green button will  
restore the Auto ISO setting if you have used OK plus front wheel to  
shift it.

I'll tweak these settings as I see what confuses my fingers, but  
overall I'm finding it good.


On Jan 24, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Thibouille wrote:

> Well, even before the update, I was not sure how to se the wheels on
> my K10D, now I'm even more confused... but honestly happy to have the
> choices I have: kudos Pentax !
> I have the habit (from my (P)Z-1) to have front wheel=speed, back
> wheel=aperture.
> The problem is, if I assign either EV comp or ISO I have a problem
> because the EV comp/ISO will be in the case of AV on the front wheel
> and in TV on the back wheel.
> I fear I will mix everything and have hard time to work like that.
> Sooooo I dunno ;)

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