I'v shot quite a bit with my Nikon 70-200VR F2.8 and not a lot yet
with the K10D and SR.

I still see fuzzy shots with the 70-200, so its not 100%. I'll bet the
K10D will have some problems to.

But on camera SR is nice when using light weight, smaller lenses.

In winter i put the 70-200 VR in the back of the truck for weight
during snow and ice storms.

Works like a charm.:-)


On 1/28/07, Tim Øsleby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps I'd better add a few words about why I ask this question.
> I've read a review that almost quotes the Canon marketing department on this
> issue. I'm ok with that, but when the author serves this as the truth I
> react. So now I have a debate going in a Norwegian forum about this issue.
> BTW. I didn't start it, some other guy questioned the quoting first.
> Speaking of angels. I'm not on a crusade in this issue. I'm simply asking
> for first hand experiences. First hand experiences are a lot more worth than
> defensive marketing.
> Tim
> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
> Roberts
> Sent: 29. januar 2007 00:01
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: Camera based SR vs. lens based IS?
> Tim Øsleby wrote:
> >The market (many at the market) says that camera based SR is best at
> short
> >focal lengths, and lens based IS is best at long focal length.
> >
> >What do you who have used SR for a while say? Truth or myth?
> >We have had the theoretical debate, but what does practical use tell us?
> It's a useless debate, quite similar to the CCD/CMOS debate in
> futility: Even if you oversimplified issues sufficiently to make a
> simple answer possible, it would change in a few months because both
> systems are being continually improved by their makers.
> If you're going to waste your time speculating, do it on a more useful
> issue like the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin.
> --
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> PDML@pdml.net
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Equine Photography
Ontario Canada

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