I like the Yosemite pic. It looks like a hand tinted
scenic I've seen before.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I mentioned a while back that I entered a local  art
> show at the beginning of 
> Dec. and sold a photograph. My first ever.  :-)
> The show was mainly pottery, jewelry, and painting,
> and about only  four 
> photographers. One guy used medium format and did
> landscapes --  breathtakingly 
> beautiful. Well, he was in his twenties and willing
> to lug that  large thing 
> around, thus I barely envied him. (Barely ;-))
> So I was glad  to sell one. And it was my biggest
> and highest priced one too. 
> Also my most  "artified," the only photographic I
> put in the show. I was 
> wondering how that  would go over, and evidentially
> at least one person really 
> liked the  idea.
> I also mentioned it was The End that I showed on
> list, oh, about  6-8 months 
> ago.
> Several liked it back then as a straight photo
> (well, not  totally straight, 
> I had B&W converted it and left some areas color).
> But I  also got a fair 
> amount of technical criticism on it, not sharp
> enough. So I went  back to reshoot 
> it and found they had changed the sign, which really
> nixed  reshooting it.
> So I artified it more to cover up any lack of
> sharpness  and because I had a 
> mental image of the way I would like it to be.
> Actually this  is still not the 
> way I'd like it to be -- I'd like it even more B&W
> as in  almost a combo of 
> high and low key, etc. But it comes closer than the
> original  did. Someday I 
> will rework it again.
> Tim, or someone, said they'd like to  see what sold.
> So here it  is:
> It was  shot when my mother was ill. I also included
> in the show my Mom grief 
> series,  the Mohave Joshua Tree, the Yosemite
> B&W/color combo shot, and a few 
> others  I've shown previously on  list.
> http://members.aol.com/eactivist/KIDDO/index.htm
> http://members.aol.com/eactivist/PAWS/pages/joy.htm
> Comments  are not really necessary unless you want.
> Because, other than 
> newbies, most of  you have seen them before. 
> But no yucking, please. I know a lot of you  like
> you photography straight up 
> -- no water, no ice, no mixing.
> Marnie  aka Doe :-)  
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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