>I did not start this kind of thing, I never do.

Mark !

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: RE: Pentax K 28mm f2.0 Lens

> All I did was mention that someone was confusing
> one function with another and they lost it and
> started into a foul mouthed personal attack tirade
> against me which I will always respond to in kind.
> I did not start this kind of thing, I never do.
> I only respond that when when provoked first and
> without cause.
> And conversations are conversations, they always
> stray away from the original topic. when anybody
> else does it, its a conversation, when I do it,
> it's called hijacking. Just another load of
> total bullshit as usual to divert the attention
> away from these stupid posts of theirs without any kind
> of valid on topic rebuttals to my contentions.

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