Here's a much simpler way to understand it.  

To pull a film is to overexpose it.  When a film is overexposed, one
must decrease its development time, or underdevelop it, relative to
the standard development time.

Overexpose + Underdevelop = Pull

To push a film is to underexpose it.  When a film is underexposed, one
must increase its development time, or overdevelop it, relative to the
standard development time.

Underexpose + Overdevelop = Push

This is a very simple description, but it may help you grasp the
concept.  It may also help you understand Bill's explanation a bit

Delano Mireles wrote:
> Bill,
> thanks for the reply!  I'm still trying to grasp the terms so please bear
> with me...
> Say I have a roll of Ilford Pan F 50 and rate it at 32.  Would I be Pulling
> the film at exposure and then need to have it Pushed at development?
> I'm not sure why this is a difficult concept for me to grasp but it really
> comes down to trying to understand how the terms are used.

Shel Belinkoff
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