DNG Converter does not "strip away" or hide EXIF data, Dario.
All the original metadata is present in the DNG file.


On May 5, 2007, at 1:05 PM, Dario Bonazza wrote:

> With my D, I almost phased out JPEGs in favor of PEF's. That was a  
> very slow
> and not fully completed process, as such large files were still  
> quite a
> problem for me.
> With the K10D and its compressed RAW's, together with an ever- 
> decreasing
> cost for storage, not to speak of its so-so reliability about  
> exposure, I
> decided that shooting RAW is a must.
> That said, I use PEF because the files are smaller (handy,  
> especially for
> storing thousands and thousands of raw pictures on hard disks) and  
> because
> compressing DNG files via Adobe DNG converter strips away (or  
> probably just
> hides) exif data.
> Since all main converters are now updated for recognizing K10D  
> PEF's, I find
> no real reason for sticking to DNG.

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