Lets face it Pentax lags behind on a number of fronts namely:

1. Sensor technology.
2. AF technology.
3. Speed (frame rates)
4. Incomplete lens line up
5. Incomplete body line up.
6. A number of silly niggles and quirks that annoy people and give
pentax bashers fuel for criticism even if unwarranted.

On the upside
They make great glass
They know how to make an SLR body that is intuitive and a pleasure to use.
The price is very competitive.

I think it is their price competitiveness that is currently keeping
them in the game but not for long.

If pentax launched a Nikon D3 basher tomorrow and back it up with a
complete line up of accessories and lenses that would really make
heads turn People would sit up and take notice.

I for one would be more than willing to cough up the $5000 for
something like that but pentax have to work harder than N & C to make
inroads into the market.  They have to provide a better product at a
competitive price point to attract the buyers.  By competitive I don't
necessarily mean cheaper but better value for money.  Imagine offering
a D3 basher but with built in SR for the same price.. It has an edge
over the D3.

One of the things that Pentax lacks ist a top end flaghship model that
customers can oogle over and lust for even if they end up buying a
lower end model.

Another thing is that they need to show a clear product direction so
that buyers into the system are reassured that they are supported and
that their investment is protected.  They also need to put that
direction onto a fast track.  Up to now I can't for the life of me
understand why they killed their old lens line up without having
replacements rolling off the production line. Look at nikon they have
a very coherent lens line up .  14-24 f/2.8, 24-70 f/2.8, 70-200
f/2.8, 200-400 f/4 etc...

And one more thing... Products must be available! I sometimes feel
that buying a pentax product is a bit like searching for new subatomic
particles... It requires bucketloads of patience, determination and
perseverance.  It should not be so.

Pentax needs to move fast if it is serious about taking market share
from the current market dominators.



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