On Jan 24, 2008, at 15:21, William Robb wrote:
> Sometimes it can't find it's way to the router, the connection just  
> sits
> there trying to aquire an IP address. When this happens, I have to  
> uninstall
> the ethernet connection, and reboot the computer.
> I'm thinking it is a fairly simple thing, such as a driver conflict,  
> but it
> has me quite puzzled. I am almost prepared to dump the Matrox card  
> and try
> something else, but I hate to flush that much money down the drain on
> hardware.

Download "Memtest-86" and burn this ISO image to a CD, boot from that  
CD, and run an (overnight) test of your RAM

I would wager that something is not quite up to spec, and the RAM is  
the simplest thing to test (and/or replace!)


Charles Robinson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minneapolis, MN

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