AlunFoto wrote:

>2008/6/21 Tim Øsleby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>I agree, but I disagree. A lot technically excelent photos are made at
>>Østensjøvannet. Some of them are interesting too.
>>But this has something else, this is a moment of interaction. This
>>picture tells a  story.
Joestein replied:

>On the whole, it seems that people like this shot a lot more than I
>do, and therefore a lot more than I ever expected. While I'm very
>happy that people like what I do, I'm still somewhat puzzled by this.
>But anyway, humble thanks to everyone who have voiced their
>appreciation for this shot. It certainly is encouraging for the trip
>the coming week-end. Now, if only the weather will cooperate...
Following Marnie's style of replying to make things clear...

I read the few comments that were in my folder today and it seems that 
they all revolve around how well
the lens/camera performs... So sharp, so much detail, etc...  
so I'll come over to your side, J.  Most who know us both know I'm a 
devoted fan of your photography -
there are a number of them that are burned into my memory because they 
are such strong representaions of
what photos are about to me - not just "sharp"  - "good color" "nice 
bokeh" , etc., but the interaction of all these
things with a more ephemeral quality - emotion, perception, your view of 
the world around you...  

These gulls are sooooo sharp they look like Betina Rheims placed them on 
the water stuck together... they
would be fine in a bird field guide.. and the juxtaposition of the two 
birds is nice, but the lack of motion
detracts from the impact .  

If I'm only looking at the "geometry" of the shot, I'd move the birds a 
bit over to the right and crop a bit off the top
to keep the proportions the same.... It's a good "stock" photo because 
you can really see what the birds look like
for identification and its a nice exhibit of what one can do with a 
camera and if I didn't know you were so much
better I wouldn't say a thing.

Yr friend and fan,
annsan (who has been in lurk mode by necessity mostly these days)

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