FF puts less pressure on lens quality, i.e. you
Get better picture quality for a given level of
Lens quality vs APS . The only caveat would be FF wide
Angles with really poor corner performance in terms
Of sharpness or vignetting.

JC O'Connell

-----Original Message-----
John Sessoms
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 9:01 PM
To: pdml@pdml.net
Subject: RE: Full Frame: what is it?

From: Anthony Farr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If you think being able to use old wide angle lenses will justify an
> investment in a full frame camera (in whatever format), you need to
> around.  The interaweb is replete with tales of film era lenses,
> wides, being found wanting when put in front of digital cameras,
> so when the full frame is being imaged.  Almost inevitably a new lens
> be purchased soon after the new camera, a camera which ironically had
> intended to stretch the useful life of the old lenses.  Why not cut
out the
> middleman and buy a new lens for the camera you have right now.  The
> residual value of the pre digital lens will be near to zero anyway, so
> your losses on it and move on.

Because it's not about residual value and middlemen or "interaweb" old 
wives tales.

It's about I already have the lenses; I already use them with my current

digital equipment while continuing to use them with my film equipment. I

have a kit that works with both my film & my digital SLRs. I intend to 
keep it that way.

But I would like to get the same angle of view out of the lens from both

my film and my digital cameras. It would be convenient. I'm not going to

buy an additional lens just to overcome the crop factor.

If Pentax eventually comes out with a "Full Frame" DSLR, I might buy one

if I have the money.

If I do buy one, one of the reasons for doing so would be so I could 
take advantage of my existing wide angle lenses. ONE of the reasons.

There would have to be other advantages, or it wouldn't be enough to 
motivate me to buy another DSLR.

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