Given that lens adjustment got into the K20D, perhaps Pentax would
consider adding a "base meter adjustment" setting? The value is simply
that stock screens are too bright and have an "aperture view" of
perhaps f2. A more matte replacement screen would allow more precise

There are some screens, like the KatzEye, that claim not to change the
metering. But the matte surface of the KatzEye screen is reputed to be
very close to stock while other split-prism focusing screens offer a
more matte surface (but apparently affect metering).

Or does this feature exist? It would be excellent if the introduction
of this feature included the announcement of a split-prism focusing
screen from Pentax.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 9:45 AM, P. J. Alling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They both use the same prism so I would assume yes, I've never tried it
> though.  Remember the metering is off the focusing screen so it will require
> an adjustment of the exposure bias to compensate.  Not like the good old
> days where you could adjust the ISO...
> Jaume Lahuerta wrote:
>> Is it possible to fit a focus screen made for a K10D into a *ist Ds?

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