My D300 has metering bias adjustment in the custom functions, along
with the 357 thousand different AF adjustments.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Cymen Vig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Given that lens adjustment got into the K20D, perhaps Pentax would
> consider adding a "base meter adjustment" setting? The value is simply
> that stock screens are too bright and have an "aperture view" of
> perhaps f2. A more matte replacement screen would allow more precise
> focusing.
> There are some screens, like the KatzEye, that claim not to change the
> metering. But the matte surface of the KatzEye screen is reputed to be
> very close to stock while other split-prism focusing screens offer a
> more matte surface (but apparently affect metering).
> Or does this feature exist? It would be excellent if the introduction
> of this feature included the announcement of a split-prism focusing
> screen from Pentax.
> Cymen
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 9:45 AM, P. J. Alling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> They both use the same prism so I would assume yes, I've never tried it
>> though.  Remember the metering is off the focusing screen so it will require
>> an adjustment of the exposure bias to compensate.  Not like the good old
>> days where you could adjust the ISO...
>> Jaume Lahuerta wrote:
>>> Is it possible to fit a focus screen made for a K10D into a *ist Ds?
> --
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M. Adam Maas
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