On Nov 20, 2008, at 8:36, Jaume Lahuerta wrote:

Is it possible to fit a focus screen made for a K10D into a *ist Ds?

Can be done, they are the same size.

I transferred my Katz-Eye from my ist-DS to the K10D, despite everyone's warning's about the .7 EV underexposure warnings. I was getting ready to shoot a concert, and since I use manual exposure all of the time, I figured that the focus assist was worth the effort to pop the screen in there.

To my surprise, I haven't really noticed any exposure problems since then, so I've left it in.

However, if the DS screen underexposes by -0.7EV in the K10D, I'd expect that a K10D screen in the DS would cause OVER exposure by that much. Your mileage may vary!


Charles Robinson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minneapolis, MN

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