I get similar messages from time to time for images on a web site that I
maintain.  I generally ask for $A80-$90 per image for a commercial
publication.  In some cases I never hear from the company again while
others pay up without any further attempt to negotiate.  For a large
publishing house, you could probably ask for more.

A high res image would be 300 dpi at whatever size they want to print
the image.  Probably they won't be printing at more than half the size
of the page so a 2700 x 1800 pixel image should be more than large
enough as it will print a 9 x 6 inch image at 300 dpi.  Low res -
probably a 800 x 600 image or thereabouts would be OK.



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

On Thu, 20 Nov 2008 10:17:09 -0800, "Tim Bray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I got the following email out of the blue:
> > We are very interested in using the attached picture in the Woman's Day
> > Special Interest Publication Gardening Deck and Design.
> >
> > Please send me a high res and low res as well as any billing and credit
> > information you require!
> [It's a picture of a flower from my blog.]  I'm happy, of course,
> but... HELP!!!  What do I do?  How much do I ask for?  What do "high
> res" and "low res" mean to these people?
> Thanks in advance.  -Tim
> --

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