Thanks for all of the great responses.. Lets see.. where should I begin..

Aaron wrote:
>> Were you shooting flash?  On camera flash 
>> combined with a sharp lens can 
>> make people look their very worst.

You have a good point that I didn't even think about, and a few other
people (hello Isaac) have also pointed this out in their responses.  It
was very dark in there, so my lighting ratio was high on the flash side
and low on the ambient (even worse, I may have even been using the
external flash which REALLY shoots a ton of photons at 'em) My flash
(AF330FTZ) doesn't have bounce capability, but now I'm also beginning to
consider getting something like a diffuser / omni bounce kinda deal for a
few bucks to soften the whole flash effect (Leonard's suggestion).  With
that said, I'd of course have to start reading up to see how such devices
(can you really call a piece of plastic a "device"?) alter things like my
cameras metering ability (I suspect there would be less light hitting the
subject than my camera anticipated hence possible underexposure) and how
to best account for this, etc.  (yet another homework assignment... what 

Tom added:
>> What film were you using? 
>> Velvia zits are much nastier than Portra NC zits.
>> The tiffen filters are ok. I've got the number 1 and number 3. 
>> The number 3 is a little over the top for my taste

I was using 400 neg. film.  I figured it was pretty dark (hence the need 4
speed) and high speed slide film doesn't seem to rate so well...  plus I
needed prints.  As for the Tiffen, I think I am still considering getting
one of the filters (in addition to the diffuser / bounce
thingamajig).  Which number, I don't know (but thanks for the input).  In
the meantime, I just might experiment with the black netting / panty hose
/ bathroom tissue ideas that Treena and Collin suggested (the only
potential problem I see with that is consistency in results... but I'm
sure it'll be fun).  

Bob S.: I tried the out-of-focus thing before and didn't like the results
too much.  Things just didn't seemed soft, but rather (well..) out of
focus.  There seems to be a fine line btwn the two. 

Who did I forget?
Oh.. Tom C: Keep her happy.. trash the sharp photos! :o)
Thanks all. Most sincerely,
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