Hello Jens,

Having done much event work - weddings, sports, etc, I fully
understand your issue with lots of images shot and needed processing.
What I am hearing you say is that you miss the days when the client
was willing to do more of the work that you now do in the digital
world.  You take the film to the lab, and have the lab crank out
reasonable prints and then a quick edit to get rid of what is bad
and then hand them off.

I think the amount of work is similar in any medium, just depends on
who is doing it.  When I was shooting weddings on film my lab would
take the time to correct every image (they charged to do that) so I
didn't have to.  Someone still did that work, it just wasn't me.  In
the digital world, you could still pay someone to do that type of
quick editing of all images shot so you didn't have to do it - just
like film.  In fact, Larry on the list was just talking about a girl
he knows who is looking into doing that type of thing.

Best regards,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 3:31:35 PM, you wrote:

J> I do get your point , Paul.
J> But I do not do artistic photography. I may do 800 aerial
J> photographs (exposures) in just one hour. In my opinion, noone
J> appriciates all the computerwork enough, to justify the many hours
J> (dollars worth)of editing, needed for finishing the job. It would
J> be very tempting for me just to deliver the (many) film rolls to
J> the lab, look the prints through and then give the client the best 10% for 

J> http://www.flickr.com/photos/bladt/sets/72157613037760083/ 

J> Regards
J> Jens  

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