On 20 Dec 2001, Johan Schoone wrote:

> There are mailing lists where it is common practice to do this.

I know of at least one newsgroup (alt.fan.pratchett) where it is good 
manners to identify whether your posting is Relevant, Irrelevant, Meta, 
Annotation, Games-related or Fandom-related by a tag (RIMAGF) 
respectively, and this helps tremendously with filtering.  That newsgroup 
is *insanely* high traffic, however (or was the last time I put up with 
it) and ninja filters were the only way to deal with it.

This message, for example, would be [M] for Meta, in that it refers to the 
technical aspects of reading the list.  Something about Pentax would be 
[R] for Relevant, etc.

Folks here are generally pretty good with OT, or FS for Off-Topic or
For-Sale, however, so you could filter on that, if you want.  Personally, 
I keep a few folders for this mailing list:

        pentax.active   recent email send from the list to the list
        pentax.admin    email sent to me from people on the list
        pentax.archive  old email chucked in here when it's a month old
        pentax.bozo     people I couldn't be bothered reading.

(The archiving stuff is a little esoteric - I have (or will, when I polish
them up a little) some scripts which move everything over about a month
old into a separate folder.  I think Outlook can do this too, although it
might want to archive everything, not just one folder.)

Some folks also consider it useful to filter on people whose ideas or 
emails you don't want to read or whose postings make you want to argue 
with them.  Especially those prone to off topic ranting.

> Mail folders are your friends.

Yep, or at least filters are.

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