On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, Levente -Levi- Littvay wrote:
(It would be a good idea if the address you give actually worked. This 
bounced, so I'll send it to the list in case it's useful to someone...)

> OK, It was just an idea.  I actually like it on other lists.

yeah, but on this list, everything comes from one address, so you can 
filter on that and it isn't necessary for everyone to remember something.
> Well don't judge me based on what you see.  It is a temp setup that alows
> me to sync my PDA until I get a new one and until school will allow me to
> finalize my Linux.  (e-mail is a tough issue with Linux)

email is *easy* with linux.  (I'm a linux consultant.)  Al you need is 
Sendmail (or postfix) configured (it's easier than it looks, really!), and 
it just works.
> What do you recommend for e-mail? (reply private, decrease of offtopicthx)

what I have setup for linux is very simple. In my .procmailrc I have the 
following lines:


Which puts everything with '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in either the To: 
string or the Reply-to: string in the 'pentax.active' folder.

If you want to score by poster or content, then I recommend you search for 
'Timo Saalinen procmail tips'. You'll get tons of info.

(I also have some filters which put the excessively off-topic people in 
another folder and this filter goes *before* the one above:

etc, I'm sure you can figure it out.)

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