On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 4:28 AM, mike wilson <m.9.wil...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> BTW.  I have seen some of the pictures before, posted to the list.  All
> appear _much_ better on the printed page.  Particularly Bill Robb's sunken
> bicycle.

I had the same thought... reluctantly, because I rarely print my own
work these days (and don't have a suitable printer to do it myself).
I dislike the clutter of having physical prints around, with their
frames or boxes or whatever, but I have to admit the results are nice.

And thanks, Cotty, for your thorough and enjoyably-written review,
even if it was a bit charitable toward my own work.  I've made a quick
pass through it, but look forward to sitting down with it and going
through it one-by-one.

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