On Mar 31, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Scott Loveless wrote:

Thanks, Godfrey.  That helps quite a bit.  I've been digging through
photos, mainly on flickr, looking at different films souped in Xtol.
There's obviously the possibility of lots of editing, but I'm seeing
similarities, too.  Just ordered a bunch of Plus-X.  And I think I
have some TMAX around here, so I'll do some comparisons.

Plus-X and Tri-X do well too, but compared to TMax 100/400 or Delta 100/400 they simply don't compete on grain structure and tonal differentiation. They also don't push anywhere near as well.

TMax 100 took me about 20 rolls to understand how to expose and process it properly. Before that I thought it was crap. Once I 'got' it, it does better than nearly anything else other than Agfapan APX25. A truly remarkable film.


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