On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:20:23AM -0400, Adam Maas scripsit:
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Graydon <o...@uniserve.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:14:41AM -0300, Luiz Felipe scripsit:
> >> EVF with a mirror camera? Lose the pentaprism and keep the mirror?
> >> Lose  the prism and mirror but keep the camera otherwise the same??
> >
> > Keep the direct optical path to the viewfinder; lose the moving mirror
> > and shutter.
> >
> > Ideally, this and the robustness deal gets the LCD off the back of the
> > camera -- big flat fragile space that it is -- and replaced with a
> > HUD-style overlay in the viewfinder.  The back can then support
> > larger/more controls.  (Using the K20D 4-direction rocker dial with
> > gloves?  Ick.)
> >
> > However, the main thing is to get the electro-mechanical stuff out of
> > the optical path.
> I'd rather just ditch the mirror altogether. It's the biggest weakness
> of SLR's, since it affects AF accuracy and VF focusing accuracy.

No mirror, just a prism, is probably one of the pure-optical choices.

It's very hard to support a separate shutter as a design decision in an
EVIL camera -- extra parts, mass, etc. -- but it also involves ditching
K-mount lens back compatibility if you do that.  Pentax doesn't want to
do that; there's that cryptic statement in support of K-mount from a
couple-three months back.

If they want to keep lens compatibility, they can't go EVIL in a
sensible way, so presumably they're looking at something else.

> EVIL is inherently more accurate for both manual focus and AF since
> you're focusing off the imaging sensor itself. Don't ditch the LCD
> until you've spent time with a good Live View camera with a flip/twist
> LCD.  It changes the game entirely.

First camera was a Konica-Minolta A200.  I still have it.

It has unquestioned and numerous virtues, and it made me want a pure
optical viewfinder so very much.  (This may have something to do with
having expended rather a lot of Her Majesty's ammunition in my mis-spent
youth, I don't know.)  Next camera was an LX2.  There's nothing wrong
with it, for what it is, but I didn't love it.

I strongly suspect this is one of those issues of personal style.

> >> The moment I think of EVF I also think of a mirror-less camera,
> >> with a distance from lens mount to sensor as reduced as possible,
> >> with new lenses to exploit the advantages AND a very good adapter
> >> to the former lens format of the brand. AND a side adapter for all
> >> major lens mounts, even if I'd sell it under a very different
> >> brand.
> >
> > That's what the Samsung NK is supposed to do.  I get the feeling
> > that's not where Pentax wants to go.
> >
> > Straight EVIL does two things Pentax wouldn't like; it starts to use
> > the lens aperture mechanism as the shutter, which means you lose
> > lens backward compatibility, and it almost completely de-values
> > optical design in the camera.  Pentax is still primarily,
> > nigh-obsessively, an optical company.  They want to keep competing
> > inside their area of speciality if they possibly can.
> The G1 uses a normally-open shutter. No lens-based shutter systems.

Yup.  And that is probably not the right engineering decision if you
have to design new lenses anyway.

If they change the registration distance, Pentax would have to design
new lenses, and I suspect but of course cannot prove that avoiding loss
of back-compatibility is a major goal for them.

> And the introduction of digital nearly completely devalued optical
> design in the body. The EVIL concept is just taking it to the next
> step.

That assumes you can get the view off the sensor or the view off the
optical path, but not both at once.  If you can do both at once -- and
that Zeiss Photoscope announcement indicates that somebody can do both
at once -- the designer has the option of valuing optical design in the

> > I'm not expecting a revolution either, but, Hoya needs one, and Mike
> > Johnson deferred his camera #2 recommendation today; "This is
> > awkward, but I'm going to have to hold off with #2 until about this
> > time next month. Still collecting data. What can I say—this slot was
> > solid ten days ago, but the world changes."
> >
> > You know of any other plausibly-better-than-"A mid-level 4/3 or
> > APS-C DSLR of the brand of your choice" -- which is recommendation
> > #3 -- that's going to be announced in a month?  I'm certainly not as
> > well-plugged into the rumour mill as I could be.
> >
> > Mike certainly gets the lenses early.  He's had a K20D on long-term
> > loan for almost a year now.  So it's not impossible he's got enough
> > insider info on the successor camera to decide to hold on on
> > recommendation #2.
> Its possible. It's also possible that he's actually read the bitching
> on the comments about the E-420 pointing out that he picked the camera
> with the worst VF and worst ergonomics in-class and realized that he
> should have either gone with his first choice (any low-end DSLR) or
> picked a camera that actually delivered on its promises (like the K-m
> or A200).

Well, the E-420 was a pure price pick, and possibly defensible on those
grounds.  I certainly know someone with an Olympus SLR who does not use
the viewfinder, at all, ever, too, which makes me twitch to contemplate.

In a month or so, we'll have lots more information, too.

-- Graydon

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