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Items for Sale by jco (620)
Includes current auctions and Buy It Now items by the seller. Seller, view
high bidder email addresses .
1 - 20 of 20 total, Click on the column headers to sort.

Item  Start  End  Price  Title  High Bidder / Status
1318649509 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:15:28 $39.99 Asahi Pentax 200mm F4
Super-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318650991 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:18:54 $39.99 Asahi Pentax Copipod for Copy
work  No Bids Yet
1318652911 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:22:12 $59.99 Asahi Pentax 85mm F1.9
Super-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318653397 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:25:19 $24.99 Asahi Pentax 50mm F1.4
Super-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318654855 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:28:27 $29.99 Asahi Pentax 50mm F1.4
SMC-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318658568 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:35:01 $49.99 Asahi Pentax 50mm F4
SMC-MACRO-Takumar  No Bids Yet
1318659922 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:38:33 $39.99 Asahi Pentax 28MM F3.5
SMC-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318661145 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:41:42 $79.99 Asahi Pentax 35mm F2.0
Super-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318663473 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:46:38 $39.99 Asahi Pentax Autobellows
Closeup Unit  No Bids Yet
1318667262 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:55:56 $49.99 Asahi Pentax 105mm F2.8
Super-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318668021 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 18:59:13 $29.99 Asahi Pentax 135mm F3.5
SMC-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318669888 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:02:32 $2.99 APS 2X Teleconverter for
Pentax Screwmount  No Bids Yet
1318670999 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:05:45 $39.99 Asahi Pentax Spotmatic 35mm
SLR w Lens  No Bids Yet
1318672579 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:08:54 $9.99 Formula 5 28mm F2.8 Lens -
Pentax Screwmount  No Bids Yet
1318673542 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:12:26 $79.99 Asahi Pentax 24mm F3.5
Super-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318674697 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:15:40 $29.99 Asahi Pentax 35mm F3.5
SMC -Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318676281 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:18:50 $49.99 Asahi Pentax 35mm F2.0
Super-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318677628 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:21:59 $59.99 Asahi Pentax 135mm F2.5
SMC-Takumar Lens  No Bids Yet
1318678798 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:25:09 $89.99 Asahi Pentax 85-210mm
SMC-Takumar Zoom Lens  No Bids Yet
1318679958 Jan-05-02 Jan-15-02 19:28:16 $49.99 Quantaray 400mm F6.3 Lens -
Pentax Screwmount  No Bids Yet


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