Not having complete control of the device wouldn't stop me from buying one. Hell, I lease cars. But, at the moment, I don't have time to read enough to justify the expense. I still have quite a few conventional books that await my attention.
On Jul 19, 2009, at 6:14 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:

So I guess I won't be "buying" a Kindle, since I really won't "own" the thing in any meaningful sense of the word.

Joseph McAllister wrote:
You may find the answer to your conundrum in the fine print of a Kindle Contract...

If not, it will surely be there next Monday!

On Jul 19, 2009, at 14:22 , P. J. Alling wrote:

I'm sorry, this may not bother you, but it bothers me. Look it in the physical world. I buy something and put it in my car. Unbeknownst to me what I bought was stolen property. The vendor also claiming they didn't know it was stolen, upon discovering their "mistake", breaks into my car and steals it back. Then then notify me of the their theft, and send me a refund. How is the breaking and entering in any way not a crime, or if not a crime a violation of my expectation of security in my effects? It seems I've been victimized twice. . This is pretty much what Amazon did. Don't say I got my money back, that's not the point

Joseph McAllister wrote:
From what I've read and heard in the past few days, the deal is this. Amazon had/has contracted with many firms or individuals representing themselves as firms to provide electronic versions of books.

Amazon did not do a good enough job of checking the authenticity of these contractors, and found itself in the position of distributing one or more books to Kindle users without the express written permission of the copyright holders.

When the copyright holders complained, Amazon sucked the illegally distributed (by them) volumes out of everyone's Kindle. To protect themselves against serious lawsuits. They returned everyone's money, and, for all we know, now have legal copies of the same works (in some cases) available for purchase once more.

They are working on a system where the kids notes would not be sucked back should this ever happen again. And that seems not too hard to do, allowing user input to be stored separately from the text of the books.

Time will deal with it.

Joseph McAllister

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        --G. K. Chesterton

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