Read carefully Peter. The note on page 308 is a troubleshooting guide that tells you what to do if shake reduction doesn't work. It says that when panning or shooting at night with slow shutter speeds, it may not work. In other words, SR won't eliminate shake in a slow shutter pan. I already know that. But there's no need to turn it off when shooting a slow shutter pan. I know that, because I do it. And doing personal experimentation is always the best way to arrive at the truth.

After 6000 frames I've found for certain that one never has to turn off SR in the K7. Would you like to see more evidence?

On Aug 28, 2009, at 2:32 AM, P. J. Alling wrote:

I would assume that the PDF file I linked to is the latest manual. If you open that PDF file in Acrobat, select the "Pages" tab, and click on the page labeled 310 it will take you to the page numbered 308. Under the column headed problem, scan down the page to "Shake Reduction Doesn't Work". I tried to make it easy. Of course you can simply open the acrobat reader search function and type in "Panning" it will take you to the same page. In fact it's apparently the only place Panning is mentioned. If they thought it wasn't important it wouldn't be there. It's not opinion, it's documentation, if you think it's wrong you should contact Pentax. I don't think it's wrong.

Paul Stenquist wrote:
Page 310 of the K7 manual deals with SD card capacity in different modes. Page 2 of the PDF at the site says shake reduction can be turned off when panning. Doesn't say it has to be turned off. I know that great pan results can be achieved with SR left on. I make judgements based on results rather than on the opinion of others.
On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:55 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:

To everyone who thinks the Pentax has decided that SR can be left on while panning, perhaps they should update their documentation.

Page two on this PDF hosted at the site

or the K-7 manual on page 310 of the K-7 manual

or the K20D manual on page 267

I'll leave it as an exercise for the student to check out the manuals for the K10D, K100D, K200D and K2000/K-m. But I'll wager they all say it's best to turn off SR while panning, as well as while using a tripod, taking macros, etc. I think I'll take the word of the Pentax engineers and marketing folks that SR should be turned off, I tried a couple of panned shots of flying birds and they came out looking double exposed. I deleted them but I'm sure I'll forget to turn SR off again, and I'll post some samples.

Joseph McAllister wrote:
On Aug 27, 2009, at 07:00 , P. J. Alling wrote:

Removing the switch and making it a small production to turn SR on and off shows what I think is a "Point and Shoot" design mentality the same thing that resulted in the focus control debacle, This type of mentality doesn't belong in the design of a relatively high end camera, hell, it doesn't belong in the design of Point an Shoot camera.

Unlike the focus point issue it looks like it's not an easy a fix, what with the hardware switch being gone and all...

Most of my photography of dogs is either panning or hoping the 'predictive' auto-focus will afford me some good shots. As far as panning goes, I never turn SR off, and my opinion is it has little effect on the sharpness or quality of the resulting images. I rarely remember to turn it off when I'm on a tripod with a remote release!

What I'm saying is that Pentax probably realized that in fact leaving it on all the time for an outdoor shooter, or off all the time for a studio shooter, was not that important a deal. Given that their users weren't complaining, they relegated the switch function to a less intrusive menu item.

Joseph McAllister

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The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.

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