I've had the pleasure of thinking about digital archiving at work. I work at
a Neurophysiology dept at a hospital and we produce a lot of digital data
and one of our great problems is how to properly archive every test we
perform. The outcome of our intensive thinking :) would be Magneto-optical
They are really reliable, we have disks nearly ten years old that works like
a charm. They can be stored 50 years, or so they say. The disks are
protected by a plastic case and they come in both 5 1/4" (5.2Gb) and 3 1/2"
(1.3Gb). Of course not everyone has a reader, but I'm talking about
archiving for your own purposes.
The 3 1/2" drives are coming down in price. I think you could find a reader
(USB) for US$300-350 today. Of course the disks are a bit on the expensive
side (20-25$) but hey, you get what you pay for :)

Just a thought.
Petter Jarbo
(Delurking in progress...)

> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 22:07:00 -0800
> From: Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Digital Storage
> Well, I thought I would tell you all about an experience I am going
> through.  Hopefully, you will learn from my frustration.
> We have had many discussions of archiving images and how stable
> digital storage is.  Let me first tell you how I handle my images.
> Each roll that is processed is scanned and stored with an assigned
> roll #.  Standard storage is jpg at 5% compression-max resolution of
> scanner (2800 dpi). When enough rolls have been scanned to fill a CD,
> I burn 2 copies of the rolls (original and backup).  So I have a bunch
> of CD's that function as my catalog of images and many times the basis
> for digital printing, etc.  I put the original and backup in a jewel
> case that holds 2 cd's and then store them.
> A few days ago, I needed to find an image so I pulled out a few of the
> CD's and put one in the drive - couldn't read it.  I looked at it and
> found that it was cracked.  I started to examine several of them and
> found that they all were exhibiting the same problem.  Turns out that
> the jewel cases I had used had very stiff spindles to hold the cds and
> it was causing them to crack and radiate cracks from the center
> outward.
> I am in the process of copying all the cd's back to hard disk to
> reburn them and *NOT* use those jewel cases again!  So far, I have
> lost 2 cd's (both original and backup are unusable) which is about 10
> rolls.  On the fortunate side, I have the negatives and can rescan
> them.
> I haven't checked my digital only images (Nikon Coolpix) yet.  For
> those, they would just be lost.  So, be careful and cautious, because
> these images are fragile and deserve major care.
> I'm not trying to flame the digital/film debate, but I am sure glad I
> have the negatives!
>  Bruce Dayton (record on film/print digitally man)
> - -
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