On 1/24/2010 3:29 PM, paul stenquist wrote:
On Jan 24, 2010, at 3:14 PM, steve harley wrote:

On 2010-01-24 13:01 , Ken Waller wrote:
Around here, you don't choose to join homeowner's associations - they
come with the house (in most sub divisions) - not joining means no house.
i'm so glad i live in an urban neighborhood whose diversity is itself seen as a 
major attraction, and where displays of individuality are not only tolerated, 
they are relished

in the interior west of the USA there persists a spirit of independence; it has been 
abandoned in the landscape of the suburban "projects" as i call them, the mass 
developments of the last 40 years or so; however the urbs, the older suburbs, and the 
exurbs and small towns are largely without restrictions on expression; so one _does_ have 
a choice
Plenty of older suburbs have homeowner's associations, and some of them have odious 
restrictions. Some poor urban neighborhoods have introduced similar covenants in an 
effort to combat blight. Most of the high-rise condominiums in New York and San Francisco 
have owner associations that impose restrictions on what residents can do. Some are much 
stricter than any suburban homeowner's association. "No pets" is a common 
restriction.  t's all a matter of what's important to the residents.

It really depends on how active the homeowners association wants to be. I know of at least one where the association is defunct. If that happens I would guess all association covenants are void.

(the downside of this western freedom is that too few see value in investing in 
the collective welfare and future)

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