Oh, Damn, I'm channeling Brooks...

On 1/24/2010 4:01 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
I don;t think the number of frames shot will affect the sdm motor...

On 1/21/2010 3:15 PM, paul stenquist wrote:
I have around three to four thousand frames on my 60-250, about the same on my 50-135 and over 10 K on my 16-50. All still working great. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

On Jan 21, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

Ouch!  My Sigma 100-300/4 EX lens has been used for well over 30,000
frames almost all with AF - no problems - it uses the screwdriver
method.  I have not pushed the SDM on either of my DA* zooms like that
so don't know about reliability.  I'm hoping it is ok.

Best regards,

Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:19:42 AM, you wrote:

WR> Well kids, my 60-250 appears to be in the early stages of AF Crapola. WR> It's worked hard for me, sitting in the gadget bag. I've probably used it
WR>  less than half a dozen times.

WR>  William Robb

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