On 3/15/2010 7:28 AM, P N Stenquist wrote:

On Mar 15, 2010, at 4:23 AM, Bob W wrote:


St. Louis county (surrounding, but not including, the city of St.
Louis) has, or at least had, "blue laws" which restricted the
sale of alcohol on Sundays.  From the time the bars closed at
1 or 2 AM until noon, I couldn't buy any, which is ridiculous
because all the people who care are in church and couldn't
see me buying it anyway.  Maybe that's the reason for the
blue law.  It would have been impossible for them to keep
tabs on us drunks if we could just do whatever the hell we
wanted while they were singing some damn depressing hymn.
But I can't blame that on the Baptists.  St. Louis is
predominantly Catholic.  Go figure.

That's unusual - normally it's the Catholics who have all the fun. The
protestants are the miserable ones.

A lot of states have Sunday morning blue laws, Michigan and Illinois included. I don't find it much of an inconvenience. I've never been moved to get hammered on Sunday morning.

If you want to you could stock up the night before anyway.


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