> My younger brother got his "new" MX recently and I think a
> well-performing MF 70-210 zoom with a Macro function would be nice
> for him... ehm, for us. :-)

Smart move, Jozef.  Just don't forget to let him use "his" lens once
in a while - <g>.

> I have heard praise on Pentax A 70-210, but since it lacks Macro,
> I'd rather bought Vivitar (or Tamron SP?).

I'm not trying to turn you away from the Vivitar and Tamron lenses,
Jozef, but I should point out that the Pentax A 70-210/4 does have a
macro function (well, sort of).  At the wide end of its zoom range
only (unfortunately), it can be shifted into a "Macro" mode, but it
is not particularly good as a macro lens.

Actually, now that I think of it, many of the Pentax so-called
"macro zooms" that ~I~ am familiar with - A 28-135/4 (1:3), A
35-105/3.5 (1:4), A 35-70/4 (1:2.7), A 70-210/4 (1:4) - are really
not particularly good as macro lenses (although it is still nice to
have the feature, just for those "emergencies" when one is caught
without a "regular" macro lens).  The pleasant exception here is the
little A 35-70/4, which actually is a rather decent macro lens (and
at its useful long end, at 70mm, too).

Now, for a "macro zoom" lens that has a ~really~ good macro mode (at
1:2.5), there is that Angenieux 70-201/3.5 that I just sold a couple
of weeks ago (and am starting to miss already - <g>)...

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