2010/4/29 Jack Davis <jdavi...@yahoo.com>:
> Wondering how many of you folks use protective UD/Daylight.etc. filters.
> I did for many years, but haven't now for some time.
> Flare, nuisance and glass quality questions combined to end their use.

Well I can give you my €.02 about American beer but that is about the
end of it. To me, it is like sex in a canoe - nicely in line with your
theme =P

I have for each diameter (except 77 mm which I need quite badly for
the lens used in that shot - FS anyone?) one such filter that I put on
for trips to the beach, playground, etc. The rest of the time I leave
them off. BTW big pain with the 16-50 is when you don't put on the cap
quite right you can slide it right over the front element. That is
poor design in my book.

Oh yeah and if Pentax were smart, they'd put a front element bayonet
mount on their lenses so you could just replace as needed. Better IQ
and still money to be made.

> As someone once put it, it's like using a condom. Do you use them?

Heck, sure I use condoms, mostly 18% neutral Trojans for white balance
reference shots. Keep away from the lubricated ones, they reflect too
much. Now I can see nuisance alright but name one moment in your life
when a condom caused flare or glass quality questions?


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