On 2010-11-17 08:16 , CheekyGeek wrote:
One example, I might suggest, is one of the three Sam Abell images
that graced the COVER of National Geographic magazine:
(http://on.natgeo.com/903wXD  )
Is the "greatness" of this image due to the photographer or the
unusual subject? Put another way, if we put ME in that water, would
this be a compelling image?

what i have to say before reading any other comments:

having worked in the magazine business, including art-directing and laying out many covers and working with great photography (e.g. James Balog, Sebastio Salgado), i think that is an excellent cover shot but not a photo i would hang on the wall; the form (with reflection) is interesting, and the gaze is penetrating (i can only hope it is better at a larger size), but mainly it grabs the looker with a quick glance and it has perfect backgrounds for titles; i also assume it is iconic for a larger topic included in the magazine issue

in short, while some are stunning artworks on their own, in most magazines the cover shot is essentially a functional design element

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