At 06:45 11-2-2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Since returning home to York yesterday I have
>had the opportunity to try my wife's 28-70 f4 from her MZ-5N on the MZ-S
>and the 43 mm lens on her camera.  My immediate impression is that the
>focus with the zoom on the MZ-S was bang on (not to mention very rapid
>and unhesitant) and the 43mm seemed to have the same focussing offset as
>on my camera.  My question then is, has anyone else experienced
>focussing accuracy problems with this, or any other Pentax lens?  I feel
>fairly sure that this is not related to the issue of how accurate
>autofocus cameras are as a breed - but I cannot think of why a
>particular lens would misfocus given that presumably the camera is
>simply sending instructions to turn one way or the other until the
>sensor deems that focus is achieved.  I am going to return the lens but
>it would be useful to hear any thoughts on this.  I would add that I
>wonder whether this might be the source of perceived disatisfaction from
>at least one member of this group (I have been lurking for some time)
>with this lens and perhaps might explain the rather poor rating it
>achieved at Photodo.

I took my MZ-S / 43mm combo out shooting on Saturday.
What I found was that it was particularly difficult for me to get the focus 
on the part of the scene that I wanted, something I hadn't noticed when 
using my other lens, the 28-105/3.2-4.5.
I put it down to the larger aperture allowing me to see the scene better 
and notice that certain parts weren't in focus whereas before luck and 
depth of field had rendered the reults acceptably in focus with the other 
lens. Also unfamiliarity with the handling of the camera played a big part 
of it with me. So much so, that I put the camera into MF in the end to get 
the result I wanted!
Methinks I should spend more time with it and the manual.


BTW I had a fantastic day on Saturday. Beautiful blue skies, lots of white 
snow. Discovered a lovely (deserted) covered bridge in a picturesque 
village, a water mill with a part frozen lodge and to cap it all got to see 
lots of ice sculptures early evening in downtown Ottawa. And I got some 
skiing in too!
(photos came out pretty good too!)

Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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