This is HILARIOUS... (as Paul Harvey used to say, "The Rest of the
Story"). I emailed my Getty photographer son-in-Law ( and
and  ) about my Minolta 110 SLR
"find" and my "big plans" for it. (He's as big a nerd as I am in many
ways, so I thought he might appreciate it.) He emails me back:

"Hah, that's funny -- that's probably my old Minolta 110 if you got it
from that thrift store.  :) I had it in a box and planned to try shooting with
it, but once I realized that the film had to be sent out to develop
(unless you shot BW and did it yourself) and that there are virtually
no ways to scan the film well due to it's teeny tiny size, I chucked
it in the thrift store box.  But it's one of the cooler looking cameras
I've ever seen, cool enough that I wished it shot 35!"

When I responded with "You're kidding. You did this recently?" he said,

"Nope, it's true!  Jazz & I were cleaning out the closet and I when I
checked the Ebay value of the camera I figured it wasn't worth
selling.  I'd have just given it to you outright but I didn't think
you'd have any need for a 110 camera.  :)  It's like they say, one
man's junk is another man's treasure!"

True Dat!

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